This site is a collection of memorabilia from the anime Serial Experiments Lain that I have been able to acquire. I would first like to thank all those who have helped me obtain these items, the dealers, services and individuals. 

I am creating this site since some people expressed an interest in the items I have obtained and wanted to see them. Please note that this is a personal gallery and none of the items are for sale unless specifically stated on the souvenir page, sorry. This site is for informational purposes only. I will not attempt to recreate a resource site that explains the anime series since many others exist and are far superior than what I could ever create. To go these sites see my link page. 

If you find any discrepancies with this site or any comments are welcome. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this distortion gallery.

To navigate this site, click on the Distortion Gallery logo to goto the Main page, click on the hands logo to goto the desired pages.

The bule hands 2 to 7 are links to the Anime cels that I have been able to acquire.

The bule hands 8 to 12 are merchandise memorabilia pertaining to the anime Serial Experiments Lains.  

The bule hand 13 contains the Links page, the Updates page, Wish list page, and the Souvenir page.

*** Note: Clicking on images of cels will display a larger image with small spoiler. ***